Guest Lecture: Accessible Tourism for All
Photo: Nubia Navarro
When: Monday, September 12, 6:00 PM
Where: Kirschman Hall, Room 225, The University of New Orleans
Mr. Plaikner talked in Dr. Bridget Bordelon’ s graduate class. Dr. Bordelon is the Lester E. Kabacoff Endowed Chair in Hospitality Management at The University of New Orleans.
Alexander Plaikner is currently Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, Department of SME and Tourism at the University of Innsbruck. He conducts research on behalf of the state of Tyrol on the Alpine Tourist Destination Tyrol with a focus on branding, marketing and strategy. Mr. Plaikner also serves as Senior Scientist at the Division for Management in Health and Sport Tourism at the UMIT private health & life sciences university. There he focuses on business and economics of health- and sport tourism in research as well as in academic education and projects.