Volume 27: Austrian Environmental History
Edited by
Patrick Kupper and
Marc Landry
This volume on the environmental history of contemporary Austria offers an overview of the field, as well as several topical case studies. In addition to highlighting some innovative methodological approaches, the essays also show how important the environment has been to some of the most crucial aspects of the recent Austrian past.
Subjects covered in Austrian Environmental History include: the role of nature in nation-building since the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy; the reshaping of landscapes during the economic mobilization of the National Socialist period; the function of the Marshall Plan in exploiting natural resources on a previously impossible scale; the socio-natural transformations powered by the Austrian tourist industry; and Austria's new reliance on hydropower, which has transformed hydrology and given rise to social conflicts.
Together these essays demonstrate how the study of humanity's interdependence with the natural world uncovers new insights into Austrian history.